All the rooms at Government Guest Houses are filled.
So accommodation will be available at hotels near to the venue. The hotel details are provided on the website.
The cost for the same should be borne by the individuals.
All the rooms at Government Guest Houses are filled. So accommodation will be available
at hotels near to the venue. The hotel details are provided on the website.
The International Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology, ICONEST – 2024 will be held at CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India during 18-20 September 2024. The conference mainly focuses on Electrochemical Technologies for Sustainable Development. Electrochemistry plays an important role in the emerging world of science and technology along with energy, environment, corrosion, electroplating and health care. We cordially invite scientists, academicians, industrialists and students working in electrochemical science and technology and allied areas to participate in this international conference. Students and young researchers are particularly encouraged to present and highlight their findings during the conference.
Professionals from the industry, academic and research organizations are invited to submit their research work for the upcoming ICONEST-2024.
The conference comprises of plenary lectures, invited talks and contributed oral and poster presentations from all over the world.
Research papers are invited, under the theme sustainable developments in “Electrochemistry, Electroplating, Energy, Environment and Corrosion”. Abstracts of about 250-300 words can be submitted by email to and
The abstract should contain the title of the paper, keywords, the author’s name and their affiliation including the mailing address and the email of the corresponding author. Abstracts should clearly mention about the aim, important results and conclusions of the study.
The papers will be accepted based on the understanding that one of the authors will attend and present the paper at the conference. Guidelines for preparation and submission of final paper will be communicated upon the acceptance of the abstract. The accepted papers will be published in the journal of the Electrochemical Society of India
Auditorium, CSIR- NPL,
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg,
New Delhi- 110012
+91 99451 05791(ECSI)
+91 97424 82302 (NPL)